Monday, February 20, 2012

Hold Up, HOLD UP!

All you people who have completed Lost. Am I supposed to have no idea what is going on in Season 5? Each episode gets more and more confusing! Sometimes, I don't even know if I am seeing a flash back or flash forward. And it doesn't help that they are in a different year, so it makes it harder to keep it straight. Everything is so confusing! When Hurley and Miles talked about time travel, that kind of answered some questions. This is why I love Hurley-he seems to ask the same questions I have! Episode 11 had a lot of talk on time travel. This episode is called "Whatever Happened, Happened." That in itself says something about time travel.

-We begin by seeing Hurley looking at his hand waiting for it to disappear. Miles says that they are actually in the present. But it is Ben's past. He says Sayid already shot Ben. I honestly can't comprehend it. Miles says everything already happened. So even though they have a knowledge of what is going to happen, they are still experiencing things for the first time. Hurley says, "If we already had this conversation, what am I going to say next?" -But Miles doesn't know. Because he says THEY are having the conversation for the first time.
-Miles then gives Hurley his gun and tells him to shoot him! Hurley says he can't because then he would never come in the helicopter in 30 years. Miles has to explain again that, he CAN die, because he already came to the island.

Saving Ben
How interesting, that Jack refuses to save little Ben. I was glad, why would he save the person who in 30 years was going to lock him up? Kate says you can't just let the boy die. Jack says it already happened, and it has nothing to with them. Kate says maybe he's the one who's supposed to save him. So Juliet sends Kate on a secret mission to take Ben to the others. Sawyer comes along later. The others capture them. Long story short-Richard says he can save him but Ben will loose his innocence and become one of them. AHA! So that is how Ben became a hostile. We also see for the first time Ben taking Alex.

We finally see what happens after the scene they show alot- Ben, Sayid, Jack, Kate, and Sun. We see where Kate goes when she leaves. She goes to the store and Aaron is lost. She goes to see Cassidy! Cassidy says Sawyer jumped off the helicopter because he was a coward.

What I am MOST Confused About
Okay. So we have the 2 Islands. The plane crash people are on the Island with the zoo cages, and everyone else is on the main Island.
( -Why did Sun and Ben not wake up on the Island, like Jack, Kate, and Hurley?)
Ben and Sun are about to take a boat to the other Island. Sun hits Ben with an oar and goes herself. Meanwhile Ben is having either dreams, flashbacks, OR it is showing a flash forward...when he is talking to John Lock. Not crazy about seeing John again, but then again with the "3 years later" "3 years earlier" I am really confused. Okay- so when Ben and Lock finally go to the main Island they go to Dharmaville. This is where my confusion lies. If it is supposedly 1977..where is Sawyer, Jin, Juliette, Jack, Kate, Hurley, Miles, -Phil, Horris, and all the other people in Dharmaville? Sun is living in one of the houses waiting for John Lock. Why isn't all the people in the houses???????????????????

Ahhh man Season 1 was such a breeze. This show is good for your brain. It's killing me though!


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